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Alligator Snapping Turtle Macroclemys temminckii
Bog Turtle
Glyptemys muhlenbergii
Common Musk Turtle (Stinkpot)
Sternotherus odoratus
Common Map Turtle
Graptemys geographica
Common Snapping Turtle
Chelydra serpentina serpentina
Cumberland Slider
Trachemys scripta troosti
Eastern Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina carolina
Eastern Mud Turtle
Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum
Eastern Painted Turtle
Chrysemys picta picta
Eastern River Cooter
Pseudemys concinna concinna


1.  A Commercial Fishing License is required to sell or offer to sell turtles.
2.  A commercial fisher with a valid commercial fishing license and a valid commercial turtle permit must be present to commercially harvest

     turtles from the waters of the state . Commercial fishers can obtain a free commercial turtle permit from TWRA by written request. For

     the 2012-2013 license year and each license year thereafter, the maximum number of Resident Commercial Turtle Permits shall be thirty

     five (35) and the maximum number of Nonresident Commercial Turtle Permits shall be five (5).
3.  Commercial fishers importing or exporting commercial turtles (or parts thereof) into or out of Tennessee must have bills of laden denoting

     the quantity of product, name and address of supplier, name of water body from which product was harvested, and date of import/export.
4.  Only the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina serpentine, with a carapace (upper shell) length of at least (12) twelve inches,

     measured front to back, may be taken year-round and statewide without limit by any legal commercial fishing method.
5.  Only at Reelfoot Wildlife Management Area, all sizes and species of unprotected turtles except the box turtle, may be taken by any legal

     commercial fishing method






1.  A sport fishing license is required and only the common snapping turtle may be taken. Turtles taken by sport fishing methods may not be

     sold. Shooting with any type of firearm or air gun is prohibited.
2.  Common snapping turtles may be taken by traps and all legal sport fishing methods except archery, spearguns and dipping. Daily limit is 5

     with a minimum legal length of 12 inches
3.  Alligator snappers are illegal to take

Nauti-Lass Ponds & Critters, Inc. 

pet turtles      turtle facts     types of turtles    baby turtles for sale   

Eastern Spiny Softshell Apalone spinifera spinifera
Hieroglyphic River Cooter
Pseudemys concinna hieroglyphica
Midland Painted Turtle
Chrysemys picta marginata
Midland Smooth Softshell
Apalone mutica mutica
Mississippi Map Turtle
Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii
Ouachita Map Turtle
Graptemys ouachitensis ouachitensis
Red-eared Slider
Trachemys scripta elegans
Southern Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta dorsalis
Stripeneck Musk Turtle
Sternotherus minor peltifer
Three-toed Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina triunguis

1.  The possession of any state or federally threatened or endangered species is permitted only when such species have been legally obtained

     in the state or country or origin. Only the Bog Turtle is on the state endangered list.
2.  No person shall possess Class I (dangerous wildlife) or Class II (native species) wildlife without having documentary evidence showing the

     name and address of the supplier of such wildlife and date of acquisition.
3.  All individuals possessing wildlife must be able to produce proof of legal ownership. Legal documentation may consist of evidence of legal

     importation (importation permit), purchase receipts from licensed propagation facility, or possession and/or evidence of disposition of

     parent animals.
4.  Non-native non-poisonous reptiles, except caimans and gavials, are considered Class III wildlife and as such require no permits.
5. It is illegal to sell or offer to sell turtles without a commercial fishing license.